
Friday, May 21, 2010

I LoVe YoU...

abahku..hehehe..bkn slalu fy cite psal abah kn?sbnrnye, tpat pkol 12am mlm ni,, genapla umur abah 52 thun..ululu da tmbh2 da umur abh tp abh ttp mantain shumel di mata kami..hehe..ape2 pon, kite doakan abah pnjg umur, murah rezeki and smoge abah dijauh kn dr ape2 pnyakit..smoga abah sihat2 selalu n ceria2 selalu..terima kasih untuk semua y abah korbankn utk kami..kami sgt2 hargai n kami syg abah..hehe..We HeaRt YoU DaDDy..xoxoxo...

I find myself wondering...
Did I give you your due..
For all that you've done for me
Did I ever thank you?

For all of my childhood memories
For helping me deal with life's stresses
For helping me accept my defeats
And celebrate my successes?

Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Good judgement, courage, and being true
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared
Did I ever thank you?

If I have forgotten, I'm thanking you now
You taught me right from wrong....
I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated
I hope you, instinctively, knew it all along.

Happy Birthday, Dad


  1. selamat ari lahir pada abah kamu

  2. hepi birthday daddy kak pp:)

  3. jgn lupe bg jersey bola kat ayah sempena birthday, father's day n world cup ekhh.

  4. selamat ulang tahun buat abah tuan blog, moga diberkati oleh NYA.. AMIN..

  5. kay shafiQ: skali abh xminat bola pula,,kang bg jersi abh wat pegi bekebun..hehehe

  6. hohoho~

    Selamat Hari Lahir utk abah kamOo..

    semoga sentiasa berada dalam kebahagiaan n kesejahteraan.

    *pakcik.. kirim salam kat anak pakcik ea. hehe :P

  7. salam,

    happy besday 2 ur dad =)
    semoga Allah merahmatinya selalu, dan dikurniakan kebahgaiaan di dunia dan akhirat..ameen :)

  8. epy besday tuk abah awk..:)

  9. melatidaisy: amin jgk..thnx ye..

  10. lionteen: thnx..tats very nice of u..=]

  11. Selamat Hari Lahir kepada ABAH kamu....saya da tak ada ABAH...dia tinggalkan kami 2 March 2009...semoga roh Arwah abah dicucuri olehNYA...=[

  12. Nur Hayaty: emm...fy harap yaty n family tabah..tuhan lebih sygkn abah yaty..smoge arwah tenang disane..amin..

  13. selamat hari lahir untuk ayah kamu :)

  14. gades ain: thank u..selamat utk kamu jge..

  15. u panggil i BABY ke BABI??

  16. ellis suriyani: pndai ye kamu wat gempak..good one dear!!

  17. happy bday ayah...moga panjang umo:)


DoNT 4Get To DrOp Me A cOmMent b4 u LeaVe..
tQ.. =)